Facilities & Grounds
Our facilities offer a warm and inviting atmosphere that will be sure to please you. The main office is on the right as you enter the cemetery property. Parking is next to the building. Our spacious reception area is warm and welcoming. Our private arrangement offices look out on to the beautiful Woodland property.
At Woodland Cemetery it is all about the view. You only have to visit once to fall in love with the stunning beauty of Woodland Cemetery's trees, grounds and buildings. The natural beauty of the surroundings is the first thing that will strike you about Woodland Cemetery. But what makes us special goes far beyond an exquisite setting that is home to a wide variety of wildlife.
For more information about the cemetery facilities and other goods and services we offer, visit the Woodland Cemetery website.
.IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to the potential problems with fire damage, vandalism, and the dangers of broken glass – The cemetery will no longer be permitting unattended candles or lanterns / lanterns on shepherds hooks to be left at the gravesites. Any of the above items will be immediately removed and discarded by cemetery staff. For further information, please contact the cemetery office.

Woodland Cemetery is proud of a number of firsts:
In 1895, Woodland Cemetery was the first in London to erect a private mausoleum. Henry Moore of London was commissioned to design the private Annie Pixley mausoleum, a structure so striking in appearance that it has been featured in Architectural Digest.
London’s first public mausoleum opened at Woodland in 1920, thanks to a design by Albert H. McPhail of Windsor. Forty four years later, in 1964, Woodland became home to London’s first crematorium. Today, that crematorium has been transformed into an indoor columbarium, which, we are proud to say, was also a first for the city.

Facilities, Ambiance, & Wildlife
Woodland Cemetery offers a state-of-the-art, newly refurbished office and wheelchair accessibility, as well as:
• Arrangement offices
• Display areas
• Wildlife living on the property. Visitors are welcome to come and see. Drive carefully and do not feed.
Woodland Cemetery offers a peaceful, calming ambiance, as well as visually stunning scenery and historic sites (Fulford - Pixley Mausoleum). It is the resting place of captains of industry (Labatt family, Harris family, Kingsmill family).

The first man to be buried in Woodland Cemetery was harness maker Charles Dunn, on December 5, 1879.
The transfer of the remains from the old St. Paul’s Cemetery to Woodland began in May, 1880 and took 6 years to complete. It involved thousands of markers and monuments, including over 1,400 of those buried in the Potter’s Field and hundreds who died in military service. The 1887 Western Fair opened at its new location, a beautiful natural site known as Queens Park, where St. Paul’s Cemetery had been.

Annual Memorial Service (Currently postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19)
Once a year, Woodland Cemetery hosts an “Annual Memorial Service” for families of loved ones buried at Woodland Cemetery. Invitations to attend are sent directly to families from the previous year. Notice is also posted in local papers and on the website.
The service is non-denominational and is usually held outdoors during the month of June or July in the natural ambiance of the cemetery.

Rich Military Heritage
Woodland Cemetery offers a veteran’s section with a rich military heritage. Woodland is the resting place of soldiers from the Boer War, WWI and WWII, Korea, and Canada’s peacekeeping missions around the world. All arms of the Canadian Forces are represented: Army, Navy and Air Force, bearing witness to great events and turning points such as Vimy Ridge (1917) and D-Day (1944). Many family plots bear military headstones and are scattered throughout the cemetery. All are testimonials to service rendered by Londoners over the years to Canada and its people.